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You donate, we make money explains how a donation to FGM generates a greater financial return: above…
Did you know that, according to the organization AlterGo*, one third of Quebecers say they have a functional limitation? If we look past the clichés and prejudices, we can see that aiming for universal accessibility (UA) will wind up helping just about everybody: individuals living with a disability or a functional limitation, certainly, but also the elderly, or people whose mobility is reduced for other reasons, parents who move about with their children in tow, in fact, anyone who might have to function with some sort of encumbrance! So, what is universal accessibility then? Once again according to AlterGo: it is an environment that enables everyone to participate. Simple as that.
Obviously, architecture and urban planning are at the core of universal accessibility. That is what one naturally thinks of first, which makes sense. The design of our buildings and public spaces must indeed allow access for all. But this is just one of the many facets of UA. The ways in which we provide a service or activity, or communicate with the public – be it in the physical world or the digital universe – as well as the attitude we display when interacting with individuals who have limitations; all of this goes into achieving, and maintaining, UA in our organizations and our society.
Universal accessibility is not just a checklist; it’s also a mindset we need to commit to. Through an ongoing process of awareness raising, learning and consultation, in particular, we have the power to act and eliminate as many obstacles as possible from our environment. That is the only way we can develop the capacity to truly include an important facet of the diversity that enriches our community, and is an integral part of it.
Luckily, the team at AlterGo do not have to go it alone in this endeavour. A number of leaders and organizations are hard at work, showing our community the way towards integrating all of its constituents and helping them to flourish, regardless of limitations. In this newsletter, you’ll find out about some of the ones FGM has been fortunate enough to work with.
Photo credit : Société Logique
*According to the Enquête québécoise sur les limitations d’activités, les maladies chroniques et le vieillissement 2010-2011, the proportion of persons with a disability among those aged 15 or more living in private or non institutional households is estimated to be near 33%.
Motivated by generosity and a desire to share, Mr. René Lisi wanted to focus on the development of his philanthropic works. That is why he turned to FGM in order to create the Fonds Fondation LISI GEOFFROY.
Société Logique is a pioneer in the field of universal design in Quebec. Its mission is to promote, and realize, the design and creation of universally accessible environments and places.
DAWN Canada, the the only national organization specifically dedicated to fighting for the rights of women and girls with disabilities or who are Deaf in Canada, was created by a group of 17 women in 1985.
You donate, we make money explains how a donation to FGM generates a greater financial return: above…
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