For community-centered approaches to environmental justice
Citizens must lead the actions for the climate and ecological transition to reconciliate social and…
Citizens must lead the actions for the climate and ecological transition to reconciliate social and…
In 2024, the FGM team has continued to advance our vision of impact philanthropy, keeping the strength…
Watch the recording of the launch of the Vital Signs of Greater Montreal report on territorial inequities,…
Through its work marshaling philanthropy to support the well-being of the most marginalized populations…
Last month, the Foundation team held a webinar on creating an endowment fund and planning charitable…
In this webinar (held in French) on how to create an endowment fund and to plan charitable donations,…
FGM is proud to be teaming up with the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal to launch the Vital Indicators…
Six additional organizations will receive support through the Collective Fund for Social Equity over…
To acknowledge and underline the philanthropic contributions of Black communities, FGM will publish…
The working group on philanthropy in Black communities, composed of individuals who come from a variety…
In 2024, the Collective Fund for Climate and Ecological Transition at FGM, with a view towards environmental…
FGM democratizes philanthropy, mobilizes society and empowers its partners by amplifying voices and…