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You donate, we make money explains how a donation to FGM generates a greater financial return: above…
As 2022 comes to a close, the time has come to step back and take stock of the year now ending. At the Foundation of Greater Montreal, this very packed year inaugurated our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, with its six broad areas of intervention, which aim to advance the realization of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and thus enhance the well-being of those who live in Greater Montreal.
In conceiving and implementing the plan, we committed to achieving three goals: mobilize Greater Montreal’s available philanthropic resources, support the development of innovative initiatives and partnerships, and disseminate knowledge on issues facing the community. Through these actions, we will support those who search for, and put into place, the solutions and tools the community requires.
In the same spirit, we conceived an ambitious Responsible Investment Strategy so as to align our assets with our values, most notably when it comes to protecting the environment and human rights. We also adopted an ambitious JEDI action plan, which enabled us to rethink the ways in which we carry out our mission and place the values of justice, equity, inclusion and diversity at the heart of every action we take.
We also published two new editions of Vital Signs of Greater Montreal, focusing respectively on the situation of women and girls and the state of housing in our community. We were thus able to cast new light on the issues we collectively need to face, and contributed to mobilizing the community around them. FGM’s Collective Funds, such as the Collective Fund for Social Equity and the Fund to support Indigenous initiatives, moved into high gear this year. As for the Women’s Impact Montréal Collective Fund (Fonds FAM), it already opened its 2023 cycle of funding; click here to learn more.
In 2023, we will continue to serve the Greater Montreal community by being active on all of these fronts. We will also complete the granting cycle for the Fund for gender equality, and we will deploy funds from a new support mechanism created by the federal government, the Community Services Recovery Fund, which aims to assist the organizations that work for our collectivity in adapting and modernizing their operations. Read on to find out more about this initiative.
From now until we start work in the New Year, on behalf of the entire Foundation team, I wish you holidays filled with joy, respite and peace. I thank you for your continued support, and I’ll be in touch very soon!
The Foundation of Greater Montréal is proud to take part, along with its partners across the country, in the implementation of the Community Services Recovery Fund in the Greater Montreal region.
This edition of Vital Signs paints a clearer picture of the situation of housing in Greater Montréal when it comes to accessibility and affordability. It also looks at the areas and groups that are the most vulnerable to the current crisis.
This year, the Fonds FAM offered its support to a first cohort of local organizations working directly with Greater Montréal women and girls, and FGM has launched its 2023 cycle of funding.
You donate, we make money explains how a donation to FGM generates a greater financial return: above…
Citizens must lead the actions for the climate and ecological transition to reconciliate social and…
In 2024, the FGM team has continued to advance our vision of impact philanthropy, keeping the strength…