The Foundation of Greater Montréal is proud to support the Mécénat Musica program for cultural philanthropy, through the management of a share of its matching funds. We are glad to share this announcement from the program.

Montréal, April 9th, 2024 – The Mécénat Musica program announced today that it has successfully reached its $100,000,000 goal of in perpetuity capital for Québec cultural organizations, with more than 700 large donations from individuals and families.

To celebrate this historic moment, we invite you and your mother to join us at the Maison Symphonique, on Mother’s Day, Sunday May 11th, 2025 (not 2024), at 3pm.

The $100 million is administered by three collaborating community foundations: the Foundation of Greater Montreal, the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal and Fondation Québec Philanthrope, generating $5,000,000 in annual revenue (5.0%), in perpetuity, for the benefit of 50 Quebec cultural organizations.

These 50 Quebec cultural organizations employ more than 5,000 artists annually and include organizations in music, festivals, theatre, museums, visual arts and dance: located in Montreal, Quebec City, Laval and the regions of la Capitale-Nationale, Montérégie, Chaudière-Appalaches, Lanaudière, Centre-du-Québec and Gaspésie.

Mécénat Musica thanks the individuals and families who made over 700 major donations to make the $100 million possible: 122 board members of cultural organizations, 118 entrepreneurs/business, 106 retirees, 76 musicians & artists, 50 investment managers, 49 health workers, 42 accountants, 38 artistic directors, 37 lawyers, 32 engineers, 30 professors/teachers, 74 families where 2 to 6 family members each donated $25,000, 37 members of the Order of Canada, 26 members of Ordre national du Québec and many others. Thank you!

Thank you also to Mécénat Musica Donors in Residence, Jacques Marchand and Marie-Christine Tremblay, whose leadership and collaboration resulted in 100+ Mécénat Musica donors for 23 cultural organizations, to keep culture healthy, in perpetuity, for generations to come.

Mécénat Musica is a cultural program by donors for donors to keep culture healthy, in perpetuity. It encourages individuals to make an in perpetuity donation of $25,000 to a cultural organization important to them (net cost after tax $6,750 or $5,425) and encourages philanthropic families to match these individuals’ donations with donations of $250,000 or $2,500,000. This is a major shift in cultural philanthropy.