Members of the Women's Impact Montréal Collective Fund at FGM
The Foundation of Greater Montréal wishes to thank the founding members as well as everyone else who became a member of the Women’s Impact Montréal (WIM) Collective Fund. They are:
- Adriana Arrillaga
- Carolina Arrillaga
- Véronique Arsenault
- Paula Barbary Shannon
- Christine Beaubien
- Janie C. Béïque
- Diana Bennett
- Jennifer Bent
- Caroline Bergeron
- Christiane Bergevin
- Caroline Biron
- Lucie et Pierre Boivin
- Sophie Brochu
- Diane Bussandri
- Marie Cacchione
- Mary-Anne Carignan
- Carlos Carreiro
- Sylvie Chagnon
- Lise Charbonneau
- Suzanne et Daniel W. Colson
- Stephanie Cooper
- Milla Craig
- Famille Cukier
- Dominique Décarie
- Hon. Jean-François de Grandpré
- France Denis
- Hélène Dion
- Lise Dionne
- Anne Douville
- Mélissa Drouin
- Mylene Drouin
- Diane Dunlop
- Françoise Faverjon-Fortin
- Kathy Fazel
- Madeleine Féquière
- Carol Fitzwilliam
- Christiane Furst
- Carolina Gallo
- Catherine Gendron
- Laurent Giguère
- Marie Grégoire
- Eric Hoguet
- Anne-Marie Hubert
- Dara Jospe
- Ted Kalil
- Tasha Lackman
- Dominique Lanctôt
- Suzanne Legge
- Christine Lengvari
- Stéphanie Léonard
- Johanne Lépine
- Julie Loranger
- Karen Macdonald
- Fiona Macfarlane
- Monette Malewski
- Leila Malouf
- Sarah Mashhady
- Karel Mayrand
- Samia Medelci
- Angelina Mehta
- Isabelle Ménard
- Monique Mercier
- Claudine Millette
- Caroline Montminy
- Geneviève Morin
- Anita Nowak
- Madeleine Paquin
- Jessica Pathy
- Sara Pedersen
- Valérie Plante
- Danielle Pollack
- Isabelle Renaud
- Maria Ricci
- Naomi Ronn
- Louise Rousselle Trottier
- Sandra Schock
- Cynthia Scott Aucoin
- Julia Shugarman
- Alana Singer
- Annabel Soutar
- Ida Teoli
- Hope Tetrault
- Kim Thomassin
- Claire Trottier
- Sylvie Trottier
- Deborah Trudeau
- Stéphanie Trudeau
- Diane Tsonos
- Guy Veillet
- Annie Veilleux
- Mahalia Verna
- Chloé Vézina
- Kathleen Weil
- Caitlin Wetherly
- Kathleen Williamson
- Nicole Wilson
- as well as every other member or donor who wished to remain anonymous.
Thank you!
Your engagement and support are making a real difference in the lives of Montreal women and girls.
To learn more about the Women’s Impact Montréal Collective Fund, click here.