The Fonds Fondation Ruben Antoine pour l'élévation financière

Supporting the creation of personal and collective wealth

During his childhood in Haiti, Ruben Antoine was profoundly affected by the poverty he saw around him. His parents worked for SOS Children’s Villages, a non-profit organization that comes to the aid of children throughout the world who have been orphaned and abandoned, and young Ruben thus came to know more than 100 youths who had experienced a childhood of hardship. This was a formative experience, one that instilled in him the importance of sharing.

Having studied at HEC Montréal and then embarked on a professional path that led him to work in several countries, Mr. Antoine is today a portfolio manager with Tulett, Matthews & Associates. Considering himself to be privileged to have had such an education and career, he is strongly motivated to lend a hand to those who have not been quite as fortunate. One cause that is especially dear to him is the elimination of financial disparities that often afflict, in particular, members of Black communities, newcomers and women.

In pursuit of that goal, he has contributed to several financial literacy projects, and has been active in Microcredit Montréal, Groupe 3737 and the Black Wealth Club; that is, initiatives and organizations whose mission is to financially elevate marginalized communities.

Wanting to take his commitment even further, Mr. Antoine created a philanthropic fund at FGM. The mission of the Fonds Fondation Ruben Antoine pour l’élévation financière is to “promote the creation of personal and collective wealth in disadvantaged communities by contributing to initiatives that support education, financial literacy, entrepreneurship and economic empowerment”. We thank him for placing his trust in us!

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