The Fonds France Geoffroy pour Corpuscule Danse

Promoting inclusion through movement

The mission of the Fonds France Geoffroy pour Corpuscule Danse is to support the activities of this cultural organization. More specifically, it funds the troupe’s teaching component and therefore promotes inclusion through movement and dancing for people of all ages, with or without disabilities, visible or invisible.

The organization’s Board of Directors chose the Foundation of Greater Montréal to create a permanent endowment fund, in order to match the bequest of its cofounder, France Geoffroy, with the Mécénat Placements Culture, Canadian Heritage and Mécénat Musica programs. Through this process, that bequest could be allocated to activities related to the transfer of knowledge, such as teaching projects, cultural mediation initiatives and the publication of educational and artistic works.

Visit Corpuscule Danse’s website

Photo credit: Mikael Theimer for Corpuscule Danse