The Fonds Fondation Marie Paule et Mokhtar Amami

Supporting leadership and entrepreneurship among Maghreb youth

Retired university professors Marie Paule and Mokhtar Amami are keen to “give back to society what it has given [them]: a greater understanding of how to live together in a diverse society”. That is why they want to make a difference, and are involved in various causes, such as renovating an elementary school in Tunisia, and supporting musical activities in a disadvantaged neighbourhood in Tunis.

In 2023, Mr. And Mrs. Amami wished to take their commitment and philanthropic involvement a step further by creating a fund at FGM. The mission of the Fonds Fondation Marie Paule et Mokhtar Amami is to support young North Africans in Canada in their efforts to become responsible citizens and leaders in their communities. The Fund aims to foster entrepreneurial spirit and the creation of businesses, and to direct the efforts and talents of these young people towards training to facilitate their integration. It has started by building up a scholarship fund through organizations such as the Fondation Club Avenir and Montreal university foundations.

Marie Paule and Mokhtar Amami created this fund because they felt it was important to share their resources with the North African community. The couple explains that they “chose FGM for its role as facilitator and its focus on supporting communities”. Mr. And Mrs. Amami are also members of FGM’s Ambassadors Network, whose goal is to spread the word about the Foundation’s services and their benefits, and thus make an even more significant impact in the Greater Montreal community.

Thank you for your trust!

To contribute to this fund