The Foire Santé in Montreal North

Breaking barriers on the path to health and well-being

For close to 15 years, the Foire Santé has aimed to meet the mental and physical wellness needs of the population of Montreal North and surrounding areas. During a day at the Fair, more than 100 health care professionals answer questions on issues of concern to the participants, who are of all ages and from all backgrounds.

In addition to French, services are provided in Creole, Spanish, Italian and English. Prevention is at the heart of this event, and advice on healthy lifestyle habits, referrals and other resources are offered to all, in a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere. Thanks to the volunteers who work hard year in and year out, the Foire Santé has grown into a tremendously successful event.

For the day, the local CIUSSS frees up personnel as well, and provides the necessary equipment for activities like diabetes detection. Education on many other chronic conditions is also available to participants: high blood pressure, anemia, sleep apnea and others. All aspects of health are taken into account: eye health, oral health, sexual health, mental health and more. Particular attention is paid to the needs of children and the elderly.

Organized by the Fondation des médecins canado-haïtiens (FMCH) in collaboration with the Association médicale haïtienne à l’étranger (AMHE) and the Ralliement des infirmières et infirmières auxiliaires d’origine haïtienne du Canada (RIIAOHC), the Foire Santé helps to counter the language barriers that can lead to cultural isolation, the lack of participation in screening or treatment activities for certain diseases, the persistence of poor lifestyle habits in certain communities and stress related to one’s immigration status, for example.

To facilitate access to healthcare for seniors or people with reduced mobility, a web platform is being developed that will allow for a mix of in-person and virtual services in the years to come.

Visit the Foire Santé website

Picture: The Foire Santé © Fondation des médecins canado-haïtiens