Stories that inspire
The Foundation of Greater Montréal supports hundreds of community organizations in every sector. Their work enhances the well-being of the entire community, including that of its most vulnerable individuals. All our gratitude goes out to the men and women who work day in and day out to bring a better quality of life to all.
Our thanks go as well to FGM donors and fund creators, whose philanthropic efforts bring to life the values they embody: solidarity, generosity and community engagement. It is through their commitment that the Foundation and its partner organizations can have a real impact on the well-being of Greater Montréal’s population. Here are some of their stories.
Orchestre de la Francophonie
The Orchestre de la Francophonie (OF) is an orchestral academy cofounded in 2001 by its artistic director and conductor, Jean-Philippe Tremblay. It prepares young musicians who are graduates of renowned institutions to play a leading role in nationally or internationally acclaimed orchestras. The OF has a threefold mission: learning, innovation and sharing. Fostering young musicians from several countries Each year, the OF auditions young musicians from several countries. Once the players are selected, the orchestra will be made up of representatives from around 10 countries. Canadian musicians account for just over 50% of the group. Every summer, these young musicians…
Fonds Écomusée de la maison du fier monde
The Écomusée du fier monde is both a history museum and a citizens’ museum. It was founded in the early 1980s, in Montreal’s Centre-Sud district. Part of the new museology movement, the establishment of the organization was also closely tied to an emerging community movement. In 1996, the Écomusée du fier monde obtained museum accreditation from the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec. It was thus recognized officially as museum. It took up residence in the former Généreux Bathhouse, on Atateken Street, under an emphyteutic lease with the City of Montreal. The Écomusée’s mission is to highlight…
The Fonds Philanthropique NH
According to his creator, Mr. Nicolas Hien, the mission of the Fonds Philanthropique NH is "to imagine a future where every child in Quebec can grow up healthy, fulfilled and with equal access to a future filled with opportunity. To this end, the Fonds Philanthropique NH contributes to initiatives aimed at making Quebec a center of excellence in health research, improving equality of opportunity and fostering support for young people from vulnerable backgrounds." Contribute to the Fonds Philanthropique NH
The mission of the Fonds CAMMAC CRESCENDO is to ensure the continuity of CAMMAC, forever, by encouraging future generations, of all ages and all levels, to live the joy of making and sharing music, together, from a place that is welcoming and collaborative. Its leaders add: "After more than 70 years, our organization wishes to continue to train the next generation and amateur musicians".
The Fonds de la famille de Philippe Bélanger
The Fonds de la famille de Philippe Bélanger is intended to help asylum seekers and vulnerable immigrants as well as any other recipient deemed valid by the advisory committee. Mr. Bélanger says: « Since I was a teenager and in my own way, I have been supporting vulnerable immigrants and advocating for openness and altruism towards these people, who were forced to leave their country of origin to offer a better world to their children. I want to help these resilient and courageous people, that our governments treat like they are statistics ». Contribute to the Fonds de la famille…
The Fonds Fondation des échecs féminins de Roween
The mission of the Fonds Fondation des échecs féminins de Roween is to promote the parity and accessibility of chess for players of all ages in Quebec and Canada. More precisely it will fund, through bursaries, the participation of female chess players from Quebec into tournaments and championships at the Canadian, Panamerican and world levels, with a view to reach parity and support mental health at any age. To contribute to this fund