Fonds Écomusée de la maison du fier monde

Highlighting the work and civic engagement of Montrealers

The Écomusée du fier monde is both a history museum and a citizens’ museum. It was founded in the early 1980s, in Montreal’s Centre-Sud district. Part of the new museology movement, the establishment of the organization was also closely tied to an emerging community movement. In 1996, the Écomusée du fier monde obtained museum accreditation from the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec. It was thus recognized officially as museum. It took up residence in the former Généreux Bathhouse, on Atateken Street, under an emphyteutic lease with the City of Montreal.

The Écomusée’s mission is to highlight the themes of work and civic engagement in Montreal, in their historic and contemporary context. It also aims to develop a sustainable citizen museology, using activities and practices as tools for popular education. In partnership with the community, it contributes to the development of the ecomuseum’s territory by highlighting its heritage and culture. It also promotes the sharing of expertise and exchanges at local, national and international levels.

Since its founding, the organization has deepened its exploration of the relationship between a museum and its audience. A number of projects and experiments have allowed it to develop new practices in that spirit. For example, whether through the realization of its exhibition projects or through activities related to collection development, the greater public can be involved in some of its activities. The Écomusée has also developed expertise in offering services to groups working with people living with functional limitations.

Creation of the Fonds Écomusée de la maison du fier monde

In 2007, despite its immediate needs, the Écomusée du fier monde decided to create a fund at FGM. It deposited in it the money raised through its fundraising campaign. The Fonds Écomusée de la maison du fier monde was thus created. Later on, the then-new Mécénat Placements Culture program subsequently  would add significant contributions.

“Our means were limited and our needs were great, but we nonetheless made the decision to transform these donations into a 10-year investment. The Écomusée then made regular contributions to its fund. Since then, our investments have generated interest every year, adding to the income available for our operations and allowing us to continue our work with various groups. Today, we can see in retrospect just how wise that decision was.”
─ Éric Giroux, Director of Research and Collections, Écomusée du fier monde

Visit the organization’s website

Picture: Vernissage for the exhibition “Bâtisseuses : 50 ans d’engagement des femmes du Centre-Sud”. © Flore Boubila