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2021 Annual Report: A word from Kathy Fazel and Karel Mayrand

Annual Report: 2021 was a major turning point for the Foundation of Greater Montréal, a year in which we initiated a shift aimed at increasing our impact and better reflecting and serving our -highlight">community....

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4 Reasons Why Community Foundations Are Your Ideal Philanthropic Solution

-highlight">Community foundations are the ideal solution for individuals who wish to optimize both the financial benefits and social impact of their charitable donations....

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A defining year for the Foundation of Greater Montréal

2021 was another busy year, during which FGM spared no effort in supporting our -highlight">community....

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A long ways to go towards Hunger Zero

in collaboration with Collectif Récolte. This ambitious process, which involved research, mapping of the food security supply -highlight">network, and a mobilization of Montreal’s food security ecosystem, aimed to enhance knowledge of that ecosystem. Another ...

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A look back at 2022, and ahead to 2023

This year, we at FGM -highlight">committed ourselves to three main missions to better serve the Greater Montréal -highlight">community. In 2023, we will continue doing so on every front....

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A planned gift today, a profound impact tomorrow

A word from FGM – September 2021 As a -highlight">community foundation, one of the Foundation of Greater Montréal’s missions is to democratize philanthropy. Every member of our -highlight">community, regardless of their means, should be ...

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