The Fonds 0rijin Village

Addressing the economic disparities in Afro-descendant communities

The mission of the Fonds 0rijin Village is to support the organization’s mission, which is to address the chronic economic disparity in Afro-descendant communities.

« Our path led us to an undeniable truth: equality of opportunity is the bedrock on which fair and prosperous societies are built. This is why I created the Fonds 0rijin Village, to breathe new energy into our commitment towards FGM’s vital mission. Together, we can break the shackles of economic disparity in our Afro-descendant communities, and build a future where every individual can live up to their potential, regardless of their origins. It is our duty to forge this path towards equality, and we will do so with passion and determination. » – Esther Youte, President & Executive Director, Co-Founder

Visit the organization’s website