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Service d’aide à l’emploi de l’Est
Created in 1983, the Service d’aide à l’emploi de l’Est (SAEE) is a non-profit organization that aims to make individuals more employable. Situated in the East End of Montreal, it offers its services to the entire Greater Montreal community. It works with individuals who are unemployed or whose employment status is precarious, workers who are seeking new challenges or a career change, and businesses. Its clientele is mainly youth, racialized communities, individuals living below the poverty line and those with a criminal past, who are seeking employment.
Their “Garder le cap” (Stay the course) project, which was the recipient of a $71,999 grant in phase 1 of the ECSF, enabled SAEE to continue to offer its services, while doubling up on certain activites, a circumstance created by health measures required as a result of COVID-19. The funding also allowed SAEE to offer access to computers, which in turn enabled employment seekers to participate in virtual activities like job interviews and online training from SAEE’s offices.