Native Montreal

Working for the well-being of Indigenous youth and their families

Created in 2014, Native Montréal aims to “support the holistic health, cultural strength and success of Indigenous families, individuals and our community living in the Greater Montreal area”. The organization primarily serves youth and families, to whom it provides a variety of programs focusing on well-being, education, culture, Indigenous crafts, sports and connection to the land.

The highly successful “Iorahkote” program welcomes five-to-twelve-year-olds every year; they attend a cultural and educational day camp in an urban setting. All summer long, and occasionally in the spring, they explore Montreal through fun outings, and take part in Indigenous cultural activities, as well as other artistic, sporting and educational pursuits. In order to strengthen their connection to the land, the children spend a great deal of time outdoors, in touch with nature. Enrolment is free of charge; and a meal and varied, balanced snacks are provided to the children each day.

In 2022, through the Collective Fund for Social Equity, FGM provided support in the amount of $30,000 for a project promoting food security and healthy lifestyles among Iorahkote participants. Fostering healthy living habits among individuals of all ages is in fact one of the organization’s overarching programming objectives. Providing nutritious food to kids ensures that they don’t go through the day on empty stomachs, and that they have the energy to get the most out the activities offered to them. It also gives everyone, children and camp monitors, the chance to make a meal a shared experience. Getting together and enjoying a meal thus becomes another step on the path to better health.

In 2023, Native Montréal will launch a leadership program for 13-year-olds who want to act as positive role models for younger children.

Visit Native Montreal’s website