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COVID19 Collective Fund: Questions and Answers

To learn more about the COVIDark class="searchwp-highlight">-ark>19 Collective Fund created by FGM....

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Creation of the Jacques Parizeau Fund at FGM

Karel Mayrand, President and CEO of FGM. -30ark class="searchwp-highlight">- ark>Source : Foundation of Greater Montréal For more information: Simon Delorme, ark class="searchwp-highlight">Projectark> Manager for ark class="searchwp-highlight">Communicationsark>, Foundation of Greater Montréal. (514) 866ark class="searchwp-highlight">-ark>0808, ext. 107 – About FGM The Foundation ...

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Creation of the Jean E. Douville Bursaries in four Montreal institutions

and Johanne Turbide (HEC Montréal).   -30ark class="searchwp-highlight">- ark>Source: Foundation of Greater Montréal Information : Simon L. Delorme, ark class="searchwp-highlight">Projectark> Manager – ark class="searchwp-highlight">Communicationsark> 514 866ark class="searchwp-highlight">-ark>0808, ext. 107 / About the Fonds Fondation Jean E. et ...

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Crossborder philanthropy: it’s big money

New types of organizations and updated giving structures have ark class="searchwp-highlight">comeark> into being, often driven by young people and secondark class="searchwp-highlight">-ark>generation immigrants....

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ECSF: FGM distributes $7.2M in the community in response to the pandemic

In all, FGM supported 208 different ark class="searchwp-highlight">community projectsark> through the ECSF. They cumulatively represent an investment of $7.2 M to benefit vulnerable populations that have been further placed at risk by the effects of ...

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ECSF: FGM has distributed $11 million in response to the pandemic

of Canada to support populations vulnerable to the effects of the pandemic In all, FGM supported about ark class="searchwp-highlight">100ark> new ark class="searchwp-highlight">community projectsark> through this second phase of the ECSF. These ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectsark> cumulatively represent an additional ...

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