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Fonds Les Scientifines

tech sectors. Even during the pandemic, the organization has managed to adapt, and stay active. It reaches ark class="searchwp-highlight">100ark> or so girls each week, thanks to its homework help and science workshops programs. The participants ...

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Girls Action Foundation

Black, indigenous and people of colour) ark class="searchwp-highlight">communitiesark>. Seeking to offer them additional support, Girls Action submitted a ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectark> proposal to the Emergency ark class="searchwp-highlight">Communityark> Support Fund (ESCF) in the fall of 2020. The ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectark>, “Le ...

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GRAME : Groupe de recommandations et d’actions pour un meilleur environnement

programs, and putting forward recommendations. Through its Collective Fund for Climate and Ecological Transition, FGM supported greening ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectsark> involving residents in two disadvantaged areas. Participatory integrated greening in Lachine GRAME’s participatory integrated greening ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectark> ...

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Green Chinatown Montreal

to fruition, the collective garden operates in the Plateauark class="searchwp-highlight">-ark>Montark class="searchwp-highlight">-ark>Royal borough, both as a neighbourhood greening and beautification ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectark> as well as a ark class="searchwp-highlight">commitmentark> towards ark class="searchwp-highlight">communityark> members to promote urban agriculture, intercultural exchange and food ...

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Groupe uni des Ă©ducateursnaturalistes et professionnels en environnement (GUEPE)

are respectful of the environment. Since 2019, the Foundation of Greater Montréal has supported the organization’s flagship ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectark>, “Apprendre, c’est dans notre nature (Learning is in our nature)”. It is aimed at primary school ...

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HÄ•ritage AfroCanada 2024 Fund

The HÄ•ritage Afro Canada ark class="searchwp-highlight">2024ark> Fund (also called the HÄ•ritage ark class="searchwp-highlight">2024ark> Fund) is an initiative of the Afroark class="searchwp-highlight">-ark>Canadian Cultural Center of Montreal. It was created at FGM in 2021 in support of the construction ...

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