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Société Logique

housing project aimed at integrating people with functional limitations.  From that project was born the Société d’habitations -highlight">communautaires Logique (“Logique” being in this case a blend of “logis”, or dwelling, in French, and “Québec”). ...

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The 2023 Montreal Climate Summit

other issues, they will focus on how to: speed up the decarbonation of buildings and our transportation -highlight">network; move on to sustainable, but also equitable, forms of mobility; strengthen the role of the business ...

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The Association hispanoquébécoise de la Montérégie (AHQM)

awareness of Latin American cultures. It has also contributed to the creation of a friendship and sharing -highlight">network that brings together individuals from Latin America, Spain and the Montérégie, and hopes to integrate elements ...

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The Black Youth SocioEconomic Development Summit

The Black Youth Socio-highlight">-Economic Development Summit (SdesJ) is an innovative -highlight">network of 46 -highlight">community organizations. It has taken on a mission to play a part in Quebec’s development by focusing on the contributions of ...

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The Climate Justice Organizing HUB

our questions when applying for the grant and after receiving the grant. We have been able to -highlight">communicate our challenges and detours with FGM staff and receive unwavering support and non-highlight">-judgement, which we are ...

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The Fondation Famille Kenny Tang’s Impact Bursary

contributes to their individual, professional and artistic development, while respecting their narrative sovereignty. Wapikoni operates a distribution -highlight">network dedicated to getting their work discovered across Canada and around the world. Thus, it fosters the ...

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