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The Zero Hunger in Montreal project

The Zero Hunger in Montreal ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectark> aims to identify and support the implementation of collaborative strategies crafted to end food insecurity in our ark class="searchwp-highlight">communityark>....

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To recognize the philanthropy of Black communities

To acknowledge and underline the philanthropic contributions of Black ark class="searchwp-highlight">communitiesark>, FGM will publish a new edition of Vital Signs of Greater Montreal....

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Transforming philanthropy

we saw right away that we had some major challenges ahead of us. But the FGM team ark class="searchwp-highlight">passedark> this ark class="searchwp-highlight">testark> with flying colours, and will no doubt continue to skillfully manage the Foundation’s affairs. ...

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Trustbased Philanthropy: FGM sets up the Collective Fund for Social Equity

recipients were charities working in various sectors across Greater Montreal who responded to a formal call for ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectsark>. The selection of recipient organizations was based, among other criteria, on demonstrating that the ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectsark> submitted ...

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Vital Signs on the philanthropy of Black communities: meet the team

philanthropy in Black ark class="searchwp-highlight">communitiesark>, ark class="searchwp-highlight">composedark> of individuals who ark class="searchwp-highlight">comeark> from a variety of backgrounds, thus reflecting the diversity of those ark class="searchwp-highlight">communitiesark>, has a mandate to work in tandem with the ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectark> team conducting the study....

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Vital Signs report on housing: meet the working group

realities, actors and challenges that are specific to Greater Montreal. Prior to that, she worked on several ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectsark> at the Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal, most notably on the issues of housing ...

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