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Some news from the Women’s Impact Montreal Collective Fund

A word from FGM – March ark class="searchwp-highlight">2024ark> Following International Women’s Day on March 8, the members of the Women’s Impact Montreal Collective Fund (WIM Fund)’s Advisory ark class="searchwp-highlight">Committeeark> are proud to announce the conclusions of ...

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The 2024 recipients of the Women’s Impact Montreal Collective Fund

Learn more about the recipient organizations and ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectsark> of the ark class="searchwp-highlight">2024ark> edition of the Women's Impact Montreal Collective Fund....

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The Collective Fund for Climate and Ecological Transition in 2024

and Ecological Transition at FGM, with a view towards environmental and social justice, will support organizations or ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectsark> aiming at empowering ark class="searchwp-highlight">communitiesark> that are overark class="searchwp-highlight">-ark>exposed to the effects of the climate crisis and adverse ...

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The FGM Supports Nearly 50 Community Projects for Children

The Foundation of Greater Montreal distributes $640,000 to 47 ark class="searchwp-highlight">communityark> initiatives geared to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals....

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The Fonds Fondation LISI GEOFFROY

René Lisi explains why and how he built his philanthropic ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectark>, the Fonds Fondation LISI GEOFFROY at the Foundation of Greater Montréal....

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The Foundation of Greater Montréal Funds a SixYear Project Focused on Understanding Children’s Perspectives

The Foundation of Greater Montréal (FGM) today announced that it is funding an action research ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectark> that will follow 150 students from different neighbourhoods for six years....

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