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Sharing power to create a more equitable form of philanthropy

To maximize its impact and support lasting changes, philanthropy must start sharing power with its ark class="searchwp-highlight">community-ark>based partners....

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Some news from the Collective Fund for Climate and Ecological Transition

on the issues of territorial inequality, climate justice and socioark class="searchwp-highlight">-ark>ecological transition in the process of deciding which ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectsark> to support. The ark class="searchwp-highlight">committeeark> therefore gave particular consideration to factors of vulnerability stemming from the localization ...

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Some news from the Foundation of Greater Montréal

Directors of the Foundation. After seven wonderful years of involvement, the time has ark class="searchwp-highlight">comeark> for me to ark class="searchwp-highlight">passark> the torch. I am very proud of having helped FGM flourish, and especially proud of what ...

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Some news from the Pilot Fund for Gender Equality

FGM is happy to have facilitated the granting of $115,000 to 8 organizations across Greater Montreal to support the implementation, by the spring, of ark class="searchwp-highlight">projectsark> whose goal is gender equality....

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Some news from the WIM Fund

wellark class="searchwp-highlight">-ark>being of women and girls in Greater Montreal. Two years later, thanks to the ark class="searchwp-highlight">commitmentark> of a ark class="searchwp-highlight">100ark> or so members and the contributions of many donors, the Fund has been able to distribute ...

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Some news from the Women’s Impact Montreal Collective Fund

A word from FGM – March ark class="searchwp-highlight">2024ark> Following International Women’s Day on March 8, the members of the Women’s Impact Montreal Collective Fund (WIM Fund)’s Advisory ark class="searchwp-highlight">Committeeark> are proud to announce the conclusions of ...

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